a random collection of interesting finds and good reads (at least I think so…)
This is my cousin Mark playing his piano after his home was flooded with mud in Colorado. Beautiful yet haunting. So proud of him. It was written about on a few news sites as well like Fox News Denver, Upworthy etc making it go viral.
I love this article from the Huffington Post on kids in church. I’m STILL self conscious even with a 6-year old.
“I know it’s hard, but thank you for what you do when you bring your children to church. Please know that your family — with all of its noise, struggle, commotion, and joy — are not simply tolerated, you are a vital part of the community gathered in worship.”
The Best of Craigslist. This just made me lose it one night. These are so funny. Some not suitable for the wimpy or easily offended.
Boy Writes Letter to Santa. I loved this story. What a sweet brother to want his sister left alone. His early letter to Santa made me laugh and cry.
I don’t get to read a lot of blogs but there are a few that I try to get to almost everyday. I thought I’d start sharing a few posts here and there that resonated with me:
One is Hollywood Housewife. I love that she’s so down to earth but I can vicariously live through glamorous Hollywood side too. A few recent posts I loved:
Keep your Home Clean Enough for a Police Raid
And Shauna Neiquist. Love her. I lend her books out right and left. She has a beautiful way of writing about faith. A few recent posts I loved:
On Marriage, Music, & the Fire Escape
It’s all about the Heart, Not the Hustle.
Um, that’s it for now. I don’t get out much….even on the Interwebs.
um, somehow I commented on another post. oops. any who, I live in northern Colorado and saw your cuz on the news. what an amazing spirit and outlook he had during that time. he provided beauty among such devastation.