The holidays can be so hectic sometimes I forget to stop and take a breath. My mom is in town and Boo is in heaven because my mom will actually play Barbies. (Note: I do not like to play Barbies.) Today I overheard the Barbies going to church, having bible study, and holding a friend intervention…my mom can play an elaborate Barbie.
I’m pretty much done with my Christmas shopping because Boo pretty much asked for one thing. So I got her that: one thing. The tree looked too so bare with not one present under it yet, so I got her a few more little things. Then packages started showing up at the door from family and then I was worried it was too much. I now have a return pile.
I still need to get Mr. LBB something. I was thinking maybe a rotary phone? Oh wait, that’s what I want. I watched We Are Marshall late last night and I was totally transfixed with the scene when the President Dedmon is dialing the phone over and over. There’s just something about a rotary phone. Same reason I love typewriters so much. Plus there’s no redial…and no way to press 9 to hear all 8 options again. I don’t need so many options.
Yes please.
I hosted the church youth group party at the house last night and Boo had so much fun with the older kids. She so desperately was trying to fit in that she was reduced to tears a few times. But what a great group of kids….they were all so concerned with making sure she had a good time. They were all so polite and respectful and well behaved.
And then…as we were cleaning up I noticed that my bra had been hanging from the back of a chair in the dining area the whole time. I’d left it there to dry while doing laundry and forgot to move it. Great. At least it wasn’t underwear…
Oh and Boo put this sign on our master bedroom door. It supposed to be a reindeer. With lingerie hanging all over the house and the sign-that-looks-like-a-trapeze-in-a-bedroom drawing I’m not sure I should ever have visitors again without a third party “editing” the house beforehand.
Tonight Mr. LBB and I hiked to the cross (above Palm Desert). It was dark and awesome. I’m not so afraid of the dark with Mr. LBB nearby. Headlamps are a must and I definitely don’t recommend doing it unless you are familiar with the trail during the daytime. I imagined someone ending up in a dark abyss never to be seen again if they took a wrong turn. The view is amazing and Christmas lights twinkled throughout the whole valley.
The true Christmas light:
Spelunking anyone?
I think it’s much easier to hike at night. You can’t see the elevation change so it’s just one foot after the other, no anticipation of the hard road ahead, and then suddenly…you find the top. That should be life in a nutshell.
Back to Christmas. So what did Boo want? Another American Girl doll. I tried everything to talk her out of it. How about a keyboard? Trivial Pursuit? Nope. She wants another doll. She already has two, and I think one more would be excessive but she does play with them, and sleeps with them, and dresses them, and asks me to babysit them while she’s at school…so as long as she still wants dolls I’m thinking that’s a good thing. Please play dolls for years to come Boo. I managed to catch a glimpse of her draft letter to Santa:
Conan visiting the American Girl store…Boo has no idea there is an American Girl store. I plan to keep it that way. I almost broke a rib at the play pattern part:
My mom wraps a gift for baby Jesus every year. We’ve done it since I was a kid. We put the gift in the offering plate at church. (spoiler: it’s money) Speaking of baby Jesus: Boo has started sleeping with her nativity set and I can’t talk her out of it. 17 little plastic characters all in bed with her. She made a chore list for Joseph:
“help me with Jesus”
Joseph already crossed cleaning the barn off the list. And a nap. I think we are well on our way to a very sophisticated Christmas this year….just hoping it lasts through Christmas Eve.
What a lovely heartwarming story. You write great copy…I was laughing so much at the bra left in the dining room, this is the sort of thing I do, lol.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
My daughter is 11, and she still asks for American Girl Doll stuff, and I love that she does. It’s nice to know that the innocence and imagination is still there 🙂
I just can’t stop laughing about the bra. Really, I know it is shallow but it is hilarious. Merry Christmas
OMG, I laughed so hard about the bra because when I put my house up for sale everything was immaculate and the real estate agent came over while I was at work to take photos of the house. Imagine my horror when the pictures of my homes interior were smeared all over multiple listings and the master bathroom showed I’d left 2 rather noxious looking bras drying on the shower door towel rack for all to see! Oops! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and all things wonderful in 2014! Thank you, Ashley, for all your thoughtful postings. Your kindness always shines brightly!
Your IG post of the bra on the chair might be the best IG pic of the entire year. I laughed and felt guilty for laughing and then laughed again.
I know the teenagers had a great time!
Hilarious about the bra! And I loved Conan visiting American Girl Store, we taped it for our oldest to watch. I really needed that laugh at this busy time of the year.
my girls asked santa for skateboards. a blue frog skateboard and a pink salamander skateboard. i wish they asked for dolls instead:) they are 3 an 5 and we live on a hill. guess they will be riding on the porch:) merry christmas!
Nice. Have a happy holiday.
My daughter is 12 1/2 and has six AG dolls now. Two we bought her, three she saved up and bought on her own, and one she won in a video competition with this video: She doesn’t “play” with dolls anymore but she uses them in her film-making and photography shoots and Stop Motion videos. It’s amazing how she makes these dolls come alive. I bet Boo would love seeing some of her videos. She is RandomRoses11 on YouTube 🙂
Oh, and I laughed at your bra hanging on the chair! So funny that no one noticed, or were too polite to point it out!
Is the American Girl store manager wearing a Choose Joy bracelet?