Next in the house tour: master bedroom and master bathroom.
The Master Bedroom: There’s not much to see…I haven’t really spent any time on either since we first moved in. The master bedroom was next on our list of projects. The two dressers and two nightstands were mine growing up. My sister has an identical set. It’s like deja vu when we go and visit her because the furniture is in her guest bedroom. The lamps we’ve had since we were first married 13 years ago… was broken and I glued it back together with super glue. No one would ever notice except for me.
The bed we picked up at a furniture clearance…no story behind that. The artwork I made one day out of boredom using some large oil stencils. I had just read a line in a magazine: Please love me. I call it my “Banksy-inspired” street art. (never heard of him? read here.)
We’ve always had white linens….and we probably always will. I love white sheets and white duvets. Crisp.
“Banksy” art in progress:
Mr. LBB’s closet is right off the bedroom. It actually used to be just an overhang on the side of the house. Since the roof was already in place all we had to do was pour a slab of concrete and reframe the corner of the house to add a large walk in closet. I built his shelves while he was at work one day. I designed and ordered from Easy Closets. All the pieces show up in numbered boxes. As long as you can follow directions it’s pretty easy.
(Weird thing about this photo is that hanger of ties….there’s about 50 ties. All 50 ties have disappeared! He doesn’t have a SINGLE tie. We’ve looked everywhere.)
Aww….we were so young back in May 2001. We got married in my parent’s back yard, where I grew up, in Charlotte, N.C. I remember that moment. I was telling him that the wedding planner was getting on my nerves because she was trying to keep us to a schedule. I didn’t want to do all the normal wedding stuff just because that was what was expected…we were married, that was it. Party!
On my side of the bed is a HUGE “jumbo” FAO Schwartz Patrick. I’m not kidding it’s the biggest stuff animal I’ve ever seen. Boo got it from my inlaws for her first Christmas. But now Diesel has claimed it as his own. It’s his bed, but he’s so small he just sleeps on the very tippy top of Patrick’s head, in-between the ears. I really don’t want a huge stuffed animal in my room….but I feel bad moving it. I’m sure prospective buyers are like: oh that’s cute, they have a huge stuffed animal in the master bedroom.
As much as I try, I guess I’ll never be an adult. It feels like romper room.
At night Mr. LBB tucks him into bed under one of the ears. My Instagram feed is full of Diesel/Patrick photos:
The Master Bath: This is the tub and my sink:
That’s Mr. LBB’s sink and the shower. His angel was a gift from Boo. No light fixture above the sink….because I haven’t found the right ones yet. I just painted the electrical “pancake” the wall color for now. We have enough overhead light so it really doesn’t matter. The door on the right side is my closet:
I picked out all neutral Travertine for all the bathrooms in the house. I like a subtle palette. All the bathrooms are pretty much the same just with slight differences. I love love love consistency. Every single travertine countertop was made from a scrap piece we were able to find at a stone yard. The angels were from Boo. She loves going to the Christian bookstore with her grandparents to pick out gifts. You’ll see all my “gifts” toward the end of the post. I’m going to have to rent storage for Boo gifts.
I keep my bathroom counter organized with a ceramic tray:
Next to my sink I made a shadow box to display my grandmother’s jewelry that my Aunt Sharon gave me. I was really into horses when I was younger….I used to wear the pins when I rode competitively. The charm bracelet is from the 1940’s. I love the story they tell: a Bible, a mailbox, a typewriter eraser, a bell, a baby shoe, a baby carriage, a camera, a cigarette lighter, and a clown.
That’s her in the photo below, wearing the bracelet. Love the saddle shoes.
Above the tub is a huge candelabra that was Mr. LBB’s grandmother’s.
I found some small glass candles at Target that fit the holders perfectly:
I went through some photos tonight and found this one of Mr. LBB’s mom on prom night 1967. Look what’s in the background:
The large statues were hers too. I remember them in her bathroom when we first got married:
The painting I finished recently. I didn’t plan it for the bathroom but the niche was empty and it actually ended up fitting perfectly. A few closeups:
The smaller statue was my grandmother’s. I rescued it from being thrown out after she died. I found out later she had made it.
My aunt sent me this photo of my grandparents in their living room in the 1950’s. There’s the statue.
Aside: I have a slight obsession with placing things in old family photographs.
The shower. The tile pattern matches the backsplash on the sinks. The bench is where mad-scientist-Boo mixes all of her concoctions of shampoos and soaps:
I mixed the real travertine border with ceramic tile….less expensive and easier to clean:
This is an old photo and frame I bought close to 15 years ago. The frame is falling apart but I still love it. No idea who the children are in the photo.
This is what the back of the frame says. Maybe it’s a clue to who they are but I haven’t been able to figure anything out:
We put in a glass door for the toilet but added frosting for privacy. It’s just a film, applied like tinting using a soap mixture.
This is what you see as you exit the bathroom. Boo picked it out for Mr. LBB’s birthday last year:
My closet: I built my closet same as Mr. LBB’s only I added drawers to mine. I ordered it all through Easy Closets. The entire installation took me a full day. What will you find in my closet? Mostly boots, jeans, and t-shirts. Evy’s Tree hoodies and Ephiphanie camera bags.
And Converse:
All my handbags are hung using shower curtain rings and large office rings. They all just sit there. I should probably just get rid of them all. I just lug my camera bag around everywhere. (what’s in my camera bag?)
3″ Nickel Plated Rings
Chrome Rolling Shower Rings
Not much on the top shelves except for the skateboard I made not too long ago. It hasn’t gotten a lot of use…but it’s pretty. And those are my favorite boots….the Frye Veronica Slouch Boot:
And that’s about all the clothing I own. I’m thinning it out slowly to the bare basics. I read recently in O Magazine that you really only need 33 items of clothing. Each day I’ve been removing a few pieces for Goodwill and the church rummage sale. It’s not such a shock that way.
And my closet is where I keep all my tchotchkes…it’s the only place I let clutter accumulate. Boo LOVES giving tchotchkes as gifts. Most are from her…a few were gifts from others as well.
The big wood jewelry box was my mother’s/grandmother’s. It’s pretty much empty because I don’t really wear any jewelry. I don’t even wear a wedding ring….I’d ruin it with all the paint and tools I use all day.
Is it weird sharing all this? I guess I’m kind of making a memory for Mr. LBB, me and Boo really…so we can look back on where we used to live. I kind of wish I’d done this to every house I’d ever lived in.
Thanks for touring!
So far in the tour:
Tutorials featured in this post if you want more information:
Home Decor
Organizing and De-cluttering the Bathroom
Tucking Diesel in each night under Patrick’s ear is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen 🙂
It’s not weird at all! I like seeing where you live. Can we get a picture of Patrick in context? I mean, how big IS he? 🙂
5 feet long!
Hi Ashely! “Wall 68” is definitely a streetname in Bremen, Germany. It is the address of Louis Oscar Grienwaldt´s photographic studio. This studio existed at least from 1860 until 1882 and Griendwaldt won several prices on art exhibitions during that time. I guess the children on your picture are emigrants, or at least belong to a familiy of emigrants. Bremen is located near Bremerhaven, one of the most important ports for european emigrants until the early 1900s. And if you wonder where I got this Information from: I did some genealogy-research some time ago, trying to find the emigrates of my own familiy. By the way, you can find many other familily protraits from Grienwaldt through Google. Have a nice weekend and wishes from Germany. Nicole
Check also here for the photo:
Love your house, it’s gorgeous, but I’m also very curious what your future plans are…greetings from Germany!!
No! It is not weird at all. I had planned to do this soon before we sell. I’m a little afraid it will make me too emotional about selling, but I am going to keep telling myself, “think of where you’re headed…” Thanks for sharing.
The Diesel pics may have taken the cake in this post. Those were simply too cute for words. Girl–You need to hang up the dresses and go into home design! I am just flabbergasted by your talent and DIY creations. And you’re right–Most of all, this journal will be such a special cyberspace-keepsake.
I love your style. Giving us the tour is helping me be more creative!
You sure you didn’t turn the ties into photo album covers?
I really thought I had seen a wedding pic of you before, but maybe not. I also got married in May of 2001, and our wedding dresses look similar. (Not that you can see bunches of details in that pic.) Fun memories!
As we gradually let go of the things of this earth, we draw closer to the Lord! As the old hymn sings, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus…and the things of earth will grown strangely dim in the Light of His glory and grace!”
As I age, I find I remember the moments of love….the houses and things we owned are faded in the distance and the sharp focus is on the person and the words spoken!
God is making a way which is perfect for us, as you already know! You are very special!
I love that shadow box! I have pieces from grandmother’s, a great-grandmother and my mother that never really get worn. I love them and they’re beautiful, but they aren’t something I would generally wear. Might have to steal this idea of displaying them.
I love your photos with the objects you display in your own home! My grandfather wore a suit and tie everyday (he owned a flooring and carpet store), as well as a nice hat. My cousin got many of his hats, but I asked for his ties. I have used some of them to make necklaces for my family, but I kept one made from a tie that my grandfather is wearing in the sweetest photograph. I keep the necklace draped over the framed picture on my dresser. I want to make headbands out of the rest of them, but I haven’t found the confidence to cut them apart yet!