So part 1 of my news was that we are selling our house…and pretty much everything in it.
Part 2 of the news is that….
-ok….nervous to actually type it-
-deep breaths-
….by March 31st, the Lil Blue Boo clothing/handmade shop will be closed down.
I’m still going to be writing everyday but I’m heading down a different, more creative path. And one with a lot of uncertainty!
More living…more writing…more sharing…
There are a gazillion reasons why I’m making such a huge change, but mostly I can pinpoint to the fact that I’m not the same person I was when I started the handmade part of it all. When I was first diagnosed with cancer back in 2011 the business was just starting to take off, but getting sick pretty much halted any growth after that point. I was able to keep up with things as best I could but it lost a lot of momentum. And slowly, over time, my heart slowly distanced from the business. And, well, I don’t think you can do anything well if your heart isn’t in it. The thing is…hard times can turn out to be a blessing. It just takes a little time to realize it. I think the hard stuff can make you brave. And bold. The hard stuff can make you okay with uncertainty, and can make you relinquish control. And I think the hard stuff can un-attach you to things you never thought you’d un-attach from.
In a recent Bible study, it hit me that God uses the least likely of things to bring about something profound. And, yes, usually it’s the hard stuff. But we begin to realize that we are growing when we start to see that there is a huge shift in what impresses us. I’ve seen that huge shift in myself. I’ve seen that huge shift in my husband. I’ve seen that huge shift in my whole extended family.
Looking back, the Lil Blue Boo Clothing story really started back in 2009. I started out just sewing for my daughter Boo who was 2 years old at the time. I remember staying up in the late hours of the night sewing until I couldn’t see straight. I could make close to 8 dresses a day. Then, a year later, I had employees and industrial machines…..and we could make a dozens of dresses a day. I designed and drew every single pattern, picked every fabric for softness and made sure all the inks were the safest and most eco-friendly. It was truly a labor of love.
It wasn’t always easy. For a long time there was a small group that were relentless in trying to hurt the business using social media. Women in similar situations would email me asking for advice. My advice: Never engage the haters. Never stoop to their level. Kill them with kindness. If you don’t feed them, eventually, they just disappear over time. But what I found is that there are many more good people out there in the world than there are bad. Some people are misguided and take out their unhappiness on others and that’s why we just show them kindness. They are the “extra kindness needed” people. If they came out of the woodwork today I would thank them, because they lit a fire under me to create a successful business against all odds. But there are varying degrees of success….and for me today it’s not monetary.
Over the years, we put so much love into all of the pieces we made. Everything was always hand silk screened, sewn locally, packaged locally….truly handmade. We worked with some amazing photographers that are all just good people too. I think that’s important: work with good people. Everything that goes into your work should come from a good place. These photographers….I’ve seen their kiddos grow over the years, every so often I would have to adjust the dress sizes accordingly. They’ve become friends, almost like family:
Monika Mcsweeney Photography
Laura Winslow Photography
DrewB Photography
Tickled Pink Photo
Linda Pelk Photography
Christina Anglum
Paint the Moon Photography
Olivia Hooper
One Memory at a Time
Misty Smith
And all the fun collaborations with other artists over the years: Amy of Evy’s Tree, Mel of Melamoose, and Carly of Little Light Prints. And of course Stephanie Corfee. Her artwork is all over Lil Blue Boo. She’s so talented. And she’s a true friend. I know we’ll be working together again in the future. And thank you to all of you, my loyal customers, old and new, for supporting handmade. Thank you for all of your constant encouragement. It’s because of you that I’m taking another step.
So what does all this mean right now?
First, the hardest part, I won’t be able to keep Lisa and Gicela on. They are like family. They’ve been the best employees I could have ever asked for. They arrive early every day, work hard, and rarely need guidance. They also put up with all my crazy ideas and weird eccentric quirks. It’s hard to find people like that these days. I’m forever grateful to both of them.
Second, it means that I’m reducing a few thousand square feet of creative history down to hopefully a few boxes. Throughout March we will be liquidating all the bits and parts of a small clothing business. (We’ve begun a “Liquidation Sale” here. It’s going to take over a month to go through 2,000 sq ft of crafty/DIY/art etc so just check back periodically as we list things every few days.) I have an entire studio of industrial machines, rolls of fabric, cutters, mannequins, thread, patterns, work tables, silk screening equipment etc. If anyone is looking to start a clothing business in the area (Palm Desert, CA)…or add to one….email me.
Lastly, my family and I are stepping out into a very uncertain future. I’m closing down what has been a livelihood for our family up until now. Our lives will change completely. But at the same time it feels like a huge sigh. That’s the faith part. Some people we’ve already shared out plans with don’t fully understand, but honestly I know beyond words that we are making the right decision. I’ve been zapped by the mother ship*.
So soon, this part of my life will be a closed chapter. A really memorable, hearty closed chapter. And then it will be just me again (along with Mr. LBB and Boo). On a new path. I want to explore and write and inspire.
I want to share things with you that my heart IS in. I want to live and not just simply exist. I just need to make this first big shift. Move and the way will open. (I’m taking that pretty literally.)
I’m walking through a big, wide open door. That’s part 3 of the news. Baby steps. I‘ll get there… the next few days. It’s just a long story….
And I’m not going anywhere in terms of writing….I’ll still be here….more often hopefully. That’s the plan.
P.S. We are working on a few final projects up until the 31st…limited edition items. A few final dresses and these Choose Joy blankets. Please spread the word. Everything must go in the shop and on the studio Blue Label page. I can’t take anything with me where we are going. Large items for local pickup will be posted here.
*I’ve always wanted context to share this quote:
First of all, thank you for giving me the opportunity to come talk to you on Career Day. Now, I am not Mr. Carl Peterson and I don’t have a career per se. I guess you could say my career is living and loving. And I do that to the utmost… I see all you fresh-faced kidlets sitting there in your neat little rows, and you’re all just pods. Pods, waiting for your instructions. Now some of you are going to get zapped right away and be 15-year-old prodigies, little midget Olympic gymnasts with their pictures on cereal boxes. Some of you will go on to college, and you’ll find your rhythm there and then go chase down the titans of industry, or maybe straighten out our problems at the UN. But some of you, and this is the group that no one ever comes into Career Day and addresses, and it’s criminal! Some of you are just going to float along, eating spicy foods, humming black people’s music into your 30s, well into your 30s, languishing. This group of pods is going to do a lot of languishing. And you’re going to take some heat for it. Sadly, you will. Europe’s a little easier. They seem to understand a little better. So does South America. I went to Argentina one time and everyone just seemed to be sitting around. It was beautiful. But that’s okay. Stay loose. Stay liquid. Laugh a lot. But be ready. That’s what Dupree’s doing with his life’s little pod. Staying nimble till I get the call from the mother ship. My raison d’état. Then I’d fight. Then you’ll see Dupree coming in here throwing. seven. different. kinds. of. smoke!
-Dupree in the movie You, Me and Dupree
Yes. seven. different. kinds. of. smoke.
Your post gave me goosebumps. And I’m also so proud of you. I don’t even know you, but I’ve noticed a change in your writing, the things you write about, the perspectives you’ve started to share with us. I like it! I’m excited for you and your family. Are you going into missions? Whatever it is, I hope you continue to blog. Your voice is unique and fresh and so, so needed on the interweb. 🙂
Yes Anne! I’ll still be here writing…more often most likely…..just as more of an explorer. I’ll share the rest soon! Thank you 🙂
My friend, this is beautiful!! I believe with all my heart that God will bless your steps. As you know we recently made some similar steps {although in the opposite direction} with Evy’s Tree and it was soooo scary, and soooo frustrating at times, but I KNOW God called us to do it. And now on the *almost* other side of it, we are seeing what we feel God promised us- and you know what?? We never sank. Ever. We got close, but it didn’t happen. We still have our house, our lives, our cars {bummer, wish those were gone sometimes, ha}, everything. God is good.
I love you and will always remember when you reached out to me to collaborate. You said “I’m a huge fan of your work” and I remember crying while reading the email to my husband because I felt at that time so small and so insignificant. God has definitely used you and I see His hand all over your life. It’s a beautiful thing to watch.
Love you and know I will always be a friend and loyal fan.
Exactly what Anne said. Please don’t leave us behing. I love you, my sister….and yet, I’ve never met you. When will you tell us more? I need more….❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
YEAH!!! Stepping out in faith is both exciting and horrifying rolled into one. I just did a major step of faith and am so glad I trusted God. I’m so happy for you guys!
I’ve never bought a LBB item, nor do I even have a kid! My best friend has been a loyal customer and supporter for years, and that’s how I found your blog. You DO inspire in so many ways, by sharing life’s challenges and your personal joys, even just the funny daily conversations with Boo. The video of the day you had your head shaved was one of the most beautiful and powerful things I’ve ever seen, via this nutty world of social media/the “interwebs!” Be bold. Be brave. Be hopeful. We’ll be excited to see what your next chapter brings, and we’re cheering you on, all the way! God bless.
Wow!!! I had a feeling this was going to be part 2 of the big news 😛 As soon as you said you were selling your house, I thought – so she’s going to sell the business or close it… oh how I’ll miss my splurge to get adorable dresses for my girls! And the occasional awesome boys t-shirt 🙁 I think my daughter will be sad that I’m not asking her input on the latest dress, but hopefully that will push me back to my sewing machine. You’re creative bug kept my fire lit for many, many years, and as you changed in your posts I noticed a big drop in my creative efforts! I miss the energy you generated but I also know that it was a good shift, not just for you but myself as well… to stop feeling the ‘need’ to create something more. I let my business fizzle out and still have a ton of supplies left over. I need to get around to selling them! I’m glad you are ridding yourself of the baggage of business – I thought to myself ‘maybe I’ll go back’ – it’s been 4 years since I stopped actively selling my items – now anything I make in connection is just donated. So nice not to feel the need to have a financial success with my craft. Best wishes on the new adventure!
I feel a lot of generosity and sincerity in your words. Please don’t leave us without your awesome way to tell your life story. I have seen myself portrait in many of your stories.
Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, what he has prepared for those who love Him.
(not sure the gospel/chapter/verse) but your post made me think of this Scripture. You are walking by faith, not by sight—that is inspiring!
So happy to hear you will still be writing! I will remember you in my prayers tonight.
Maybe you can offer one up for my family as well? (another small business owner wanting to live simply and practically.) 🙂
Hey – how exciting for you all.
I’ve really enjoyed reading your ‘stories’ lately (especially the investment banker one) and will look forward to more
Go well with the closing of this part of your life – it’s a lot of work – and go well with the next stage
I echo the words of those here Ashley. I’m proud of you and excited for you. In your latest writings and sharing I see transparency and peace and deep faith…and that is so disarming to others, myself included. It draws people in. I have been through serious life changes in the past three years also, and the call to purpose and depth and the sharing of the path – even when it’s hard. This is why we’re here. I’m excited to hear more. Bless. xo
We sold our giant a few weeks ago and then had a huge garage sale. Within hours we had sold pretty much everything but the essentials. We are getting ready to move into a tiny house and it feels so good to be free of all the stuff and the giant house. I hope you feel free too!! 🙂
Oh that’s fantastic news that you’re following your heart! BTW, I just bought a few dresses for O and sent you a note via the checkout.
Love to you all,
Meg 🙂
I don’t even have little children and have enjoyed your posts and witticisms. I hope that we will continue to enjoy that part of your creativity.
I have taken the step that you are about to take. It is a wonderful, exciting, terrifying… experience. When I was making my biggest changes, I liked to think of my heavenly father’s hand on my head, leading me along as I used to do with my own children when they were the right size for that. I will think of you, and your family, that way. Carefully and lovingly guided to the best and highest use of your talents and love.
Laura P.
I love you my friend!
On July 1 my husband left his high paying well respected job – and although we talked about it for YEARS we made the decision in less than five minutes. It was so clearly the right thing for our family. We had no idea what we would do – but we knew. And so many people do not understand – but that is okay because we do.
We are starting to find our new path – and it is is crazy different – but we are all right with that. I haven’t really shared yet either – but will soon too.
I think I understand your need for change and the ability to make big decisions like you are making. Whatever it is – it will be amazing.
I have often thought about what you think about the day to day things after all you have been through…I guess we are all about to find out.
Many blessings on your new journey.
You know that where ever and what ever you do I will always be thinking about you and your family. Happy to see you and your family choosing a new adventure 🙂 Although now it will be even harder to let go of the LBB that I have hoarded in my house. From size 6 months all the way to the asymmetrical tank dresses that my oldest still loves.
Ashley, I had a dream about 2 weeks that you closed LBB 🙁 I’m so sad that it came true. I am very happy for you and can’t wait to hear about your new chapter in life. You inspired me back in 2009 to dust off my sewing machine and get back to my creative side. Back in 2009 we just had baby #3, I was feeling a little lost between being Mike’s Wife, (then) a mom of 3, and a full time Kindergarten teacher all I ever felt was that. Then one day I stumbled upon your blog found your tutorial for the Cupcake Skirt pattern and said “I bet I can do that, what a good way to ease back into sewing” and BOOM off I went. That following Valentines Day my husband bought me a serger and I bought your Halter Pattern and your Sienna Dress pattern (my favorite to this day). I love that I can sew I have made countless numbers of clothes from your patterns for my little girls, I learned to make things for my girls just by drafting my own patterns or merging 2/3 together. I wish I lived closer so I could help you with your big move. Michigan seems so very far away right now. I wish you the best, I can’t wait to hear about your new life, new adventures and whatever else you surprise us with. Though we never met in person and maybe emailed back and forth once or twice you are a friend, my sewing buddy 3,000 miles away. Kisses to Boo, she is one lucky girl.
Wow. That’s big. I hope you will keep sharing here. I’m excited for your new chapter and admire your openness.
Wow!! I wish I could say I didn’t see this coming from you but I did. I could sense a change in what you were doing… Sometimes things change us so much there is just no stopping where our future is headed… You are so much more than a clothing label!!!!!!!! You my friend are the WHOLE ENCHILADA!!! You have inspired me and I am where I am today all because of running across this little company called LBB.. I still to this day have you In my about me on facebook!!! I started with your LBB patterns and even though I don’t use them today you still deserve the credit for my upcycles..In my mind you were the ORIGINAL upcycle queen!!!! I can not really express it because unlike you I CAN NOT write at all but I have always felt this crazy connection with you.. we both lost our dads unexpectedly close to the same time.. we have the same wedding anniversary.. we have a ton of the same quirks.. may possibly have the same political views lol, our neighbors homes burned almost at the same time and I could go on but long story short LBB will always hold a very special place in my heart.. I BRAG to people all the time that YOU asked me to make you daughter an Easter dress STILL to this day the highlight of my career…. Now go buy the Hemlock Inn and we can all visit you and your family…:) I don’t at all feel sadness writing this I Feel nothing but a sense of peace and contentment for you… GOD luck to you sweet lady!!
Thank you for sharing…not only of your journey, but of your thoughts and goals and dreams.
Blessings in the journey and joy in the living!!
PS. I need the “Perks of Being a Wallflower” quote today <3 so thank you for that as well.
You are killing me with the suspense! I’ve followed the blog for just over a year and am very moved and affected by the things you write about. I am a little embarrassed to say….I’m worried that with this big adventure and move I will no longer be able to relate to you. I’m scared I’m losing MY lil blue boo!
WOW! I cant wait to hear the next chapter. You have no idea what an inspiration you are to me today, just when I needed it most!
I am so thrilled for you! God bless you and your family on your new adventure, whatever that may be. I can’t wait to hear all about it!! XO
I am so happy for you! I can’t wait to see what your next chapter holds. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with the world. You. are. awesome!
God is with you always. I feel lucky to be able to witness your adventure. I’m guessing mission work. So glad you will still be writing.
I am excited for your next chapter and thrilled you will still be blogging!!!
Will your freebies and patterns still be available or will everything be closed?
Isn’t it exciting when the next step in this amazing journey presents itself?! God is truly awesome and His timing is perfect. You will be in my prayers.
I want to start by saying, you inspire me! Seriously, I have been reading your blog for little over a year, and since then my life has changed for what I feel is the better. You have helped me to venture outside my protective comfort zone and you know what? It feels wonderful. I turned my life over to God some time before I found you and I can tell you that with him leading me spiritually and you assisting me mentally, I am happy to report that I am the happiest I have been since childhood. I feel like I can accomplish anything that I set my mind to. You are to thank for that and I look forward to your next chapter, as I am starting mine as we speak. THANK YOU! GOD BLESS.
Vous êtes incroyable!!
So BRAVE and BOLD to want to live and not just exist.
I cant wait until you tell us WHERE you are moving to!
Meanwhile, I will continue to attend your online estate sales, I purchased a victorian record holder that looks like a book. Thank you, I have a crazy project in mind for it already. I am happy to support your shift!!
Bless you guys!
Best of luck to you in your future endeavors!
Wow, Ashley! You are always so inspiring! We will pray for this next chapter of your life as you seek to see more of God!
I pray that wherever God leads you that you will find open arms. What an exciting new path you have in front of you! So sad to see the closing of the shop though. Will your patterns still be for sale or is that part of the shop closing also?
You are such an encouragement! I began reading your blog when you were fighting Cancer and I was fighting for my marriage. Your “choose joy” totally ministered to me and we are about to celebrate our 31st anniversary. I think it’s fabulous that you are listening and obeying the nudge God has given you to step out in faith. My daughter did just that in January. She felt God calling her to relocate from WA State to Nashville. She packed up her car with just a few basics and took off without a job or apartment. (I got to join her on the fun road trip!) Things are totally “falling into place.” God delights in his children following Him in faith! I wish your family ALL the best and can’t wait to hear what’s next!
Happy trails to you. 🙂
All things old will become new again. My daughter and I mentioned a while back that things were changing in your blog. I’m so happy that you are able to make this change in your life at your young age. My husband and I are both retired now. As we grow older our priorities change and the things we thought to be important really don’t matter any more and it gives us a sense of peace. Sometimes we need a big shock to make us sit up and take notice and you wonder why it took you so long to realize it. I guess that comes with maturity and wisdom. Happy journey in your new endeavors! <3
Sad to hear the story is closing down, but execited for your next big plans and chapter 2!! “A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step” and you did make a huge step, but I know the journey will be rewarding! Who knows someday you may have a new larger blue boo store! I think its exciting!
so proud of you! Keep living your faith and be a walking testimonial to others.
Dear Ashley, you have been such an inspiration to me. I love all of your ideas, crafts and your outlook on life. I always look forward to lilblueboo e-mails in my inbox. I am sure you will continue to inspire and motivate in whatever you do. I hope to be able to continue to be inspired by you. Thank you!
I am so proud of your courage and honesty with yourself to listen to your heart! The Lord is guiding you and giving only enough Light for the next step!
We are all praying for more exciting adventures as we continue to read each day what you are up to! I love you forever, mom
Excited to keep up on your adventure! Glad you will continue to write. I will continue to follow.
So happy for you. I agree that when you know where & when to go, you go – even if it’s a litte scary – because you know that what challenges you may face in the future will be easier than staying in the not-quite-right thing and wondering if you could be doing something your heart is in.
What you said, about noticing that what impresses you is a sign that you’re growing, speaks to things I’ve been trying to sort out in my head. Thanks!
Wow is all I can say.I was pretty new to your site but loved looking and seeing your work . All is good and god is great he will guide you through the road ahead. Many blessing wiil keep looking out to hear from your site when you write. May god bless all you do.
Good luck to you all! I used to live in nearby Cullowhee NC and absolutely loved it! Fantastic waterfall hikes. Please keep us posted about what Lisa will be doing – I know something great will turn up for her too!
I understand fully where you are coming from. After marrying my soul mate, that I met at my son’s high school graduation party, I came down sick three weeks after the wedding and my life has never been the same. But the amazing God that we serve is always there with his bountiful love for us saying ‘I have a better plan for you’. Twelve years later, my body slowly going downhill year by year due to severe arthritis, but I’m happy with the new life I’ve been given. I own my own business that I can go to in my nighty and sneak back to bed when needed. Back when I worked out in the world I never stayed more than 3 years in any one job as I got bored out of my mind. This business has kept me fascinated and hard working for 12 years now and other than getting completely bed-ridden, I can’t see stopping. But if the bed-ridden comes, I have plans for bringing in money into my business that way as well. I got something huge that I never, ever expected in life. My own business working from home! Yeah! Working helps me block the chronic pain I’m in.
So when I say, good for you and God bless you as you start on this new path you are being lead on, you know I know how scary it can be and then also just how awesome to see those desires of our hearts being filled up. I can’t read your posts daily (too busy with my business), but I hope you will keep writing and let us know what is happening in your life.
I’ve been a follower for so many years, learned from you (the patterns are amazing!) and been so inspired by you. You have shared so much joy, I’d like to share a little; “there are far better things ahead than any we leave behind” -cs lewis. Sending lots of love from Salt Lake!