I love finding little places like this:
I think everything in here came from my childhood home.
I tend to show a lot of restraint when it comes to buying things but sometimes I cave when it comes to artwork….like when I saw this embroidered Jesus portrait. Really, it wasn’t my fault…the “lion mane” hair hypnotized me:
The Vienna Sausage painting that hangs above Jesus was a piece I picked up a few weeks ago. I was in Gainesville and came across a disabled vet selling his paintings. At first I was drawn to the Duke’s Mayonnaise clock…and then I got to know the artist and listened to his story and, well, I just ended up buying half his tent:
The Crafty Cowboy
The mayonnaise clock hangs above my desk. (I just realized I haven’t shared photos of how we’ve decorated our cottage yet….I’ll try to get to that!)
I figure I’m just building an amazing art collection to donate to the Getty or the MoMA one day. I don’t even like mayonnaise…or Vienna Sausage. But I do like Jesus. And he has a-may-zing hair. It all evens out in the name of great art.
Oh, I also picked up these tiny “caution” cones for 25 cents. The squirrels above our house have been pelting me with acorns. I confiscated one….not that it will make any difference to them.
I wanted to buy these from a box on the side of the road but luckily another lady beat me to them:
Just kidding. Diesel is an only dog. But…Donna says there are miniature pot bellied pigs for sale nearby. I’m going to have to take a look. Just a look.
Vous avez bien fait de vous laisser tenter, comment refuser Jésus et la mayonnaise ? :))