Brett’s been enjoying a new hobby of making stuff. I look outside and he has headphones on, his shirt off….the chop saw and nail gun spread all over the driveway. He says it’s therapeutic. He’s constantly picking up discarded wood and old pallets to take apart to make containers, furniture and wood canvases. A resourceful hobby/hubby:
I came home the other day and he had made us some new furniture from a few old wood pallets. He has since added arm rests but I’m too lazy to walk outside and take a new photo:
They are really comfortable! Here’s Boo watching the sunset from her new chair:
The signs and posts at the inn were in need of a fresh coat of paint so he spent some of the week working on those to help the innkeepers out a bit as they prepare for their son’s wedding.
The rocking chairs are also looking a little tired and are in need of paint. This little chair is over 35 years old:
I know that because of the photo my mother took of me in it when I was around 3:
Inspired by a bench at the Biltmore, he made me this:
These are just cows. Nothing to see here except that Brett took the photo. And I love these cows.
He found an old table and some barn wood and used it to make…..
This awesome skinny computer desk for me:
The desk today:
He’s cut me lots and lots of wood to make things with. Like this “Mountain Dew” painting:
And these “Mr and Mrs” signs for the inn’s wedding coming up:
And just one more for today….this old sign was rotting on one side and ready for the dump. I saw a little potential in it:
Brett cut it off and secured the remaining top pieces and now it hangs above our fireplace:
It feels good to get creative again. I’ve been itching to do some painting again too and Brett has made me a ton of small wood pieces that are just sitting there waiting for me. Now I just need the inspiration to hit.
Love the signs! How did you do the lettering on the Mr. and Mrs. sign? Freehand? We have a wedding coming up in October and I’m in charge of the signs. I don’t know how they are going to turn out. 😉
Cette vie simple vous inspire vraiment Brett et vous, je ne sais pas combien de temps vous avez choisi de vivre cette aventure, mais elle vous marquera tous les trois pour toujours !
I think it’s really fun/lovely to hear that Brett seems to be getting into the artsy stuff, now, too! It seems like before you moved, you did the art & he worked at his business. Or, maybe you just didn’t write about him because you were trying to keep more private about “Mr. LBB?” I’m not sure, but it seems like he’s just really taken a turn in his activities and he seems to be enjoying it. Love that! I love that you flew with the wind and went for the change. I have such respect and a certain bit of envy, too, wondering “could WE do that?”
I’m loving your stories, Ashley!! Thanks so much for sharing!