A journal page from the past, 11 years ago. These words:
“stretch to others even though it hurts and strains and would be more comfortable to snuggle back in the comforting cotton wool of blissful ignorance” -Sylvia Plath
I read in front of people today, something I’d written a year ago. That was stretching for me. Go-go-gadget arms. Now I’m crawling back into my comfortable cotton wool for the night. Remember the movie Cocoon? They say if we go with them, we’ll live forever. That was a great movie.
I need to remember this now more than ever. Keep stretching girl. We’re all rooting for you!
And I’m rooting for you too Tahnie! Love you!
Just wanted to say that I am touched by your story of leaving stuff behind, I think that is awesome and really, really great. We did a similar thing in Jan., although not exactly the same– we sold our brand new house in Utah and moved to NH with just what would fit in our trailer with our 8 kids and we are renting a house right now. We had never even been to NH before. My husband still has a job though, but he does get to work from home. I have been finding a bunch of things on living authentically and recognizing what really matters. Loved Tuesdays with Morrie — thanks for sharing bits of your life here, i enjoyed reading it!