Our trip last week wasn’t just limited to Washington, D.C and the Holocaust Memorial. We headed up the coast a little farther to NYC. We stayed with our friends Maya and Amy and they gave us the grand tour:
Boo has wanted to see the Statue of Liberty since she was about 3 years old (since seeing it on an episode of Wonder Pets):
So awesome:
Ellis Island:
Boo wanted to visit the 9-11 Memorial and Museum. Taking it all in:
Leaving a message:
It was definitely an emotional few hours, but the museum was awe inspiring. So well done and I can’t imagine how much work went into it to keep it respectful and show the imprint of the 2 towers. We’ll never forget it.
We probably had more fun at Maya and Amy’s house than visiting the big city. They have so much cool stuff going on: poetry, artwork, classes. And lots of neat little collections of inspiration. Boo would wake up early, get dressed all by herself and head downstairs to play with all the neat things she’d find:
Out in front of their house they have a Little Free Library…..and a Wish Tree (with sharpies and tags ready to add wishes!). I’m totally going to start a wish tree somewhere in Bryson City:
A collection of awesomely colorful typewriters. The first time I met them I knew we were kindred spirits! (Maya and Amy…not the typewriters)
(Photo courtesy of @foodforthesoultrain on instagram)
I’d never seen a Hebrew typewriter. This one types right to left!
And tiny people:
(photo courtesy of @mayastein on instagram)
Love these gals. They are so inspiring with all that they do: writing classes, camps, tandem poetry tours, and retreats. I look forward every Tuesday to Maya’s 10-line poem email.
Boo’s wish on the wish tree? That she could come and stay with Maya and Amy again. Yeah me too. Thanks gals! You both rock.
P.S. Check out Amy and Maya’s upcoming creative retreat in Vermont!
What a fantastic trip you all had. It is nice to get away and just soak in all the great places.
Charlotte, NC
Ashley Hackshaw,
The tin label you think was a hunting dog collar is actually a cream can label. They are affixed to cream cans for transit on the railway to a creamery. We have some from our ‘cream’ days-here in SW Kansas.
Nina Sipes
Love you three! We hope you’ll come back soon. Tell Boo her room is waiting for her, any time! xo