It feels all too normal to hear of tension among women. When we gather together it seems emotion, drama, tension, hurts and expectations just supernaturally appear-naturally.
Little girls grow up and change and mature, pursuing their passions and dreams, discovering who they are, but even among this growth and obtaining of wisdom, the struggle to LOVE and be LOVED by each other, other women that is, exists as a hardship for many.
Why do we withhold love from each other?
Women. For as beautiful and gracious as we are, we can certainly flip our lids as swift as a second. It hurts my brain to think of how many regretful words I’ve slung without thought or reflection. It’s embarrassing to take ownership of those moments that are just the far opposite of God’s heart and His love. We’ve all been there.
When recently discovering I was headed to the mountains of Guatemala with a team of 10 women and 5 men, my nervous heart had concluded there was just not a chance this was going to turn out with much success.
When tension, emotion, and drama are all heightened with traveling for ten days out of our comfort zones, this was a sure-fire recipe for disaster. I even asked my small group to be in prayer specifically for the dynamics among the women. I was in anxiety overload.
Now having been home a few months, I sit and reflect and can hardly write words without tearing up. These WOMEN, all nine (& myself making ten), every last one of them, brought to the table their full selves, their full hearts, their bravery, empathy and strength, and I am floored with my admission that I was wrong, way wrong.
I watched these women dig deeply, far away from their families and comforts.
I watched these women breathe deeper, taking in the souls and stories of the widows and orphans in the village of Xeputul, GUA.
I watched these women come alive, seeing God in their eyes and smiles.
And I watched these women give and serve and love to no end.
The movement of the Kingdom of God was so tangible I could reach out and touch it and it was ushered in by a seemingly unlikely group of women.
Mission drew us together. Mission kept us together. Mission inspired courage and kept the nonsensical drama at bay.
Perhaps, and maybe especially, when we as women, in a society that keeps us bent toward comparison, competition, and cattiness, throw our hands in the middle on mission, we begin to tap into the vision God had for us ALL along. When we come together for something more grand than ourselves and when we connect our hearts with mission and with purpose, we will get a glimpse of God’s Kingdom showing up here on this earth.
When we come alive, God’s power is visible. When we come alive together, an eruption of God’s power is visible. And that’s what this world is longing for.
If in fact you happen to find yourself surrounded by an unusually large group of women, don’t panic, find mission, and watch the movement of the Kingdom of God touch this earth.
I always enjoy your posts. Your insights are a blessing.
Thank you for reading!!