One thing there is never any shortage of here in the mountains: old wood.
A few things Brett has made for the house using salvaged wood:
1. A large box with big industrial looking handles:
2. A coat rack for the hallway. The hooks were from Lowe’s. The purpose of this was to keep me from leaving all all my stuff on the dining room table. It worked:
3. These chairs were made a while back out of old wood pallets:
4. And of course there is the entire building of Bryson City Outdoors.
See what else we’ve done to the House on Hospital Hill here.
Note: A potential problem with old wood is that there are usually bugs to accompany it. A few ways I’ve gotten rid of them:
1. Make a concoction of peppermint oil and water and spray often until they disappear.
2. Still there? Seal the wood in large, black contractor trash bags and leave out in the sun on a really hot day. As long as the temperature inside the bags gets up to around 150 degrees all the bugs should be dead.
3. Still there? Buy boric acid powder and mix a solution with water according to instructions. Pour small amounts into the holes where the bugs seem to be originating from. Wipe away any excess. Once wood is dry wipe the area clean again to get rid of any remaining boric acid.
4. Still there? Adopt them.
I love the bag hanging from the hook. Where’s it from?