(Daily writing prompts are posted Monday through Friday at 7am on Facebook. This is the weekly roundup with a few excerpts from my personal journal. The goal is to write for at least 10 minutes without stopping, regardless of what ends up on the paper. Feel free to share writing in the comment section. Write on!)
Prompt 31: Pick one word from the list and write to wherever it takes you:
From my journal: I feel like I’m in the wilderness, this wild untouched part of the universe, trying to understand the earth, the weather, and all the signs given to us to figure it all out on our own, to learn how things grow. There are signs in nature that the winter is going to be a doozy. And then there’s what I learned about asparagus recently…it takes 2 years to grow, and yet I’ve been picking it up in the grocery store all these years like it’s no big deal. Asparagus should cost like $50 a pound.
Prompt 32: A dream you remember.
From my journal: I woke up from a dream last night and thought: I should remember this and write it down. But now just a few hours later I can’t remember one single detail. So much genius in my sleep only to be lost when I wake up. I can also fly in my dreams and jump in this great slow motion manner so I’m not going to put much stock in my elusive genius.
Prompt 33: A prompt from the book Writing For Your Life by Deena Metzger: Write anything for five minutes, it doesn’t matter what. Write as if you are walking in an unknown woods, attentive to anything you might see, or poking at an indistinct mass wondering what it is, whether it is alive or dead, whether it will snarl suddenly, turn and bite. Keep writing.
From my journal: A man came in the shop today and told me that he was a pilot. I asked him about the helicopter I’d seen on the side of the road for sale. He said he’d seen it and then said “don’t buy it.” I laughed and told him I was going to tell him the same thing. I don’t think anyone should buy a DIY homemade helicopter. His wife said it might make an interesting flower planter.
Prompt 34: An obituary for a childhood pet.
From my journal: Magnolia was destined to turn into a snapping turtle based on her coloring. She (or he?) lived in a plastic wash basin for exactly one day and spent 24 hours trying to figure out how to climb those white plastic walls. She disappeared the second night, perhaps eaten by an egret or heron. RIP Magnolia.
Prompt 35: Read this quote and then write about it:
“What is the source of our first suffering? It lies in the fact that we hesitated to speak. It was born in the moment when we accumulated silent things within us. –Gaston Bachelard
From my journal: My teacher lacked any outward sympathy or understanding. I had a gag reflex to the V-8 tomato juice but she would still punish me for not drinking it by banning me from story time. Maybe “I don’t like it” wasn’t a strong enough argument coming from a child to a kindergarten teacher. I still refused to drink it until one day I was tired of sitting at the back table by myself. I drank the juice down and it came right back up onto the linoleum floor. The act of vomiting must have been a little more persuasive because I was able to join the circle that day with the other kids.
More posts on writing here:
More on the Lil Journal Project here:
My heart skipped when I read about your tomato juice experience in Kindergarten. It reminds us all that children are not ours to manipulate and we must trust in their instincts about themselves. When I was a Kindergartener we were given white milk everyday for snack and one little boy got up every time and poured his milk down the classroom register. The teacher would then chastise him and ask why he would do such a thing. This little boy would look at her crying and with tears in his eyes would attempt to say what I think was probably, “I don’t like it”, or something to that regard. He had a terrible speech defect and everyday I cried with him. I have never forgotten his pain and grew up to be a speech therapist.