Yesterday Brett and I installed this pea gravel patio:
I broke every single rule for putting down pea gravel but I’ve never like following the rules anyways. We didn’t put down weed barrier (more trouble than it’s worth) and I didn’t even outline the area completely until after the gravel was being dumped. I didn’t even calculate how much gravel I needed…basically just ordered a whole truck load because when you get it straight from a quarry it doesn’t really matter. Half a load is almost the same as a full load, because you are paying for the truck regardless.
The truck driver we’ve used the past few times can dump the gravel with so much precision it doesn’t even really count as “installing” a patio. He did all the work:
Since we put in a driveway and parking area to the back of the house it was easy to get the entire truck around to the front:
We used a metal border for now and one day might add stone, but the metal border was salvaged from a demolition and it was free so that met our budget. Now we just have to get the grass to grow thick and lush right up to it:
The table we got at a yardsale for just a few dollars and Brett rebuilt the benches last night and stained them so they are still in the garage drying:
It was raining last night but that didn’t stop Boo from trying to roast a marshmallow. I was able to get the fire going long enough to melt enough marshmallow for one s’more:
It would have been nice to have had the patio earlier in the summer but we had to take out a really big tree first that was at risk of falling and making a big mess. Now I just need some globe lights to string across the yard and maybe Brett will build me a really long farm table.
Stay tuned for the depot project that we are working on through August…there will be pea gravel used for that too!
More House on Hospital Hill posts here!
Super jealous, wish I could have a pea gravel driveway!!!!! Your projects and house always looks so neat and you are always, under budget which makes it even better. I wish my hubby was as eager and interested in doing projects like this with me but alas he’s a hard worker and his own rite. It looks peaceful there…
Yes, everyone has their own passion! This is what we like to do on our down time and it’s not how everyone wants to be spending their weekends and evenings 🙂
So lovely, and the view is spectacular! I could tell early on that you would be staying on in your new hoe. Bless you and your beautiful family; sparks of joy shoot out the ends of your hair.
I think everyone knew before we did!
Looks great Ashley! So peaceful and beautiful.
Have you heard of I think they actually sell tables, but its the idea I’m in love with…. building community. *love this*
I love it! I thought I recognized those mountains in the background. We live just down the road in Brevard, NC.
Do you see the face of the tree in the last pic? Funny!