I found pressed flower petals in this old 1947 copy of A Little Treasury of Great Poetry. I love when that happens. The petals mark the pages of “The Lady of Shalott” which always reminds me of Anne of Green Gables. I wonder how long they’ve been there?
Once I found a plane ticket in a book. Someone flying from Cairo to Amsterdam:
I found a handwritten poem on a card too but I’ve misplaced that now. One day I’ll find it again.
Have you ever found anything in a book?
I found a plane ticket in an old book the other day! I wish I knew where the person was headed and why…
I found a postcard of the main street in our town in the 40’s in a library book once. It was folded, so I pressed it flat and still have it.
I found a note that said, “I love you!” It made me so happy, both because I felt loved, and at the thought of the original recipient finding it.
I found a lock of hair tied with yarn in a book belonging to a deceased, distant relative. It was the same color as mine.
I like finding things in books. It’s a little glimpse in someone else’s life. A bit like reading blogs 🙂 Lately I found a written note in a library book, which seemed to be from an elderly lady (the handwriting and choice of (outdated) words and content made me think this) to maybe a niece or nephew who was in college. It was meant to support them during an exam period.
Once I found a postcard inside a used book, it was so special to feel it was a part of someone else’s life!