I know I am hard to buy for. I work in a used book store so there are always an endless supply of books at hand, and there isn’t much else I need or want. And sometimes Brett will completely surprise me…like this year. I never knew such a thing existed: a laptop case…that looks like an old book.
It’s the TwelveSouth BookBook. I love that if I put it on a shelf it would blend right in with all my other old books. It’s also probably the most durable case I’ve had to date as well, thick and sturdy. I don’t think my laptop would feel a thing if I dropped it.
Definitely a favorite gift that I’ll have for a very long time. Want to know what I bought Brett? Gardening boots. He’ll have those for a long time too.
If you need a gift idea for someone who loves books, writing or just old stuff…add this one to your list. Or maybe you just need one for yourself. More info here.
More posts on books of all kinds can be found here!
“Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end, it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well. It’s about getting up, getting well, and getting over. Getting happy, okay? Getting happy.” -Stephen King, On Writing
My Favorite Books on Wilderness, Wild and Walks in the Woods
“When I am dying, reevaluating my life, I would like to remember only these moments, those in which no clocks are ticking, in which I am aware of my excruciating and increasing vulnerability, in which I am so grateful for my lot in life that I could fall prone to the ground, overwhelmed with gratitude, moment by moment by moment. My life has been saved in moments.” -Janisse Ray, Drifting Into Darien
Love my bookbook cases! My iPad one is so handy. Best gift!
Ashley, What a great gift. Happy New Year. Pat S
Thanks for sharing. Now I can tell my Dad what my Mom needs for her new laptop. It’s a great idea & she loves books!