Today my I went to visit my friends Beau and Ron. They surprised me with this rooster. I brought it home and set it in the driveway for the chickens to check out. Fo was the only one who was interested. She stood there for the longest time inspecting this new addition…and since she could only see his feet she probably wondered if he was just standing there inspecting her back:
I locked the chickens up last night and everything seemed as it should be. I closed the garage. We all went to bed as usual. Then, this morning Brett let out all the chickens and Foshizzle was missing. He couldn’t find her anywhere so he walked to garage and guess who walked out? Fo.
I must have walked into the garage at least a dozen times last night to get firewood. Foshizzle was in there somewhere but she never made a peep! We can’t even figure out where she was hiding. My only guess is that she crawled into something and then with her poofy blinders on she couldn’t find her way out. At least she was safe and sound in there all night! She’s a mess.
I wonder if any of the other chickens even noticed that she was gone. It’s like they barely notice her sometimes…or maybe they just let her be. There’s a pecking order among the chickens. They can be so mean to each other sometimes, just to prove a point on where they stand. But not one chicken ever messes with Foshizzle, and Foshizzle never messes with any other chicken. She just floats in between them all like she’s Switzerland. I think I should make that her middle name: Foshizzle Switzerland.
Really good idea about Switzerland ?
HAHA love this post and that name suits Fo perfectly!