Happy is looking better and better every single day. She has a huge appetite. Her incision has healed nicely from her recent surgery. She still has a lumpy tumor-filled tummy but we got the pathology results and they tested benign! Her poor belly is so big that I think she looks like an eggplant when she’s laying on her side sleeping, so I’m glad that nothing is spreading in there. Her heart medication seems to be making her cough a little better each day. Maybe one day she’ll sleep past 5am too but I’m not going worry about that.
I love that Happy just loves being a part of everything. Yesterday she watched Sienna and a friend play all day. Then she sat on the couch all morning as Sienna played with her dolls:
We’ve put out mats and rugs for Happy to traverse but every once in a while Happy’s hip seems to go out and there’s a dramatic fall. Last night I cut up a small pair of old gloves with the rubber grip on the palm and made these little grippy socks for Happy’s back feet. They fit just right and she hasn’t lost her balance once with them on. Here’s a cute little video off her showing them off…then she huffs at me:
I know I’ve neglected posting about the rest of the menagerie here at the House on Hospital Hill recently but everyone is doing great, especially Foshizzle:
If you have no idea who Happy is all of her posts are linked here! Thank you so much for reading!
I so glad Happy is doing so well. I love her little socks.
You are just so great! 🙂
I love hearing about Happy. I look forward all the time
Congrats on the job you are doing. I wish more people would care for older dogs. In case you aren’t familiar with paw wax to help with traction on slick surfaces, it might be what you need. It is easy to apply and doesn’t feel strange to the dog. As a reminder to be sure the pads are in total contact with the floor. Check that all foot fuzz or hair is trimmed between the pads
Bless you for loving & caring for Happy….love conquers all.
Warm winter blessings for Happy, for you Ashley & your family. Simply loving your stories & cried over your drive back home with her too. I just love how you sent away the fear from both of you & poured your heart out to her so she could shine through and begin growing into the big Trust with you on her journey home to her new family. Somehow, life is meant to download many amazing gifts when we allow our vulnerabilities to become our strengths. It’s so moving to watch how you magically open those doors of healing through sheer honesty & and heart intelligence.
These are supposed to be super helpful providing grip for older dogs! We had a friend who used them with their older dog and loved them. https://www.toegrips.com/
Do you have any idea what breed(s) Happy may be? I have a little rescue dog who looks very similar, just a different color. His fur is very coarse and curly. I’m often asked what he is, and not previously having much dog experience or knowledge, I have no idea!
Ashley, I read your blog all the time, but very rarely reply. I just want you to know that my heart is beating with joy with the way you’ve made Happy’s final stages in life the best ever! I know that will be remembered by your children too, for a very long time. 1 Corinthians 15:58
I have to agree with Sharon. You are loving and caring to a older dog. I’m sure HAPPY is enjoying life with your family. My hats off to you. Your Happy will probably live to be 15 or 18 years old.
Love your little socks Happy! You are adorable also!