You have probably seen all the DIY hand-print plaque kits in the craft stores…. they don’t always look that great…. or turn out that great. I wanted to get a professional one done for Sienna but I couldn’t find a place that creates them closer than 100 miles from Palm Desert (plus they can get pretty pricey).

I bought a Lil’ Hands kit from JoAnn’s. It comes with non-toxic paper clay to cast your child’s hand which doesn’t dry fast so if you mess up you can retry before you pour the plaster into the mold. The set also comes with paint and ribbon to decorate but I didn’t think these did the plaque justice. I used green and pink Folk Art acrylic paint to add polka dots, paint the handprint, and paint the lettering “Sienna” and “1 1/2 Years.”
To make the handprint plaque look more like ceramic than plaster I used Krylon Triple-Thick Crystal Clear Glaze as a finish. It is a glaze that you don’t need a kiln for! It also protects the plaster from denting or cracking.
Once the plaque was dry, I cut a large piece of 2 inch pink polka dot ribbon to hang it from. Hand-print preserved! Memories on a budget: kit was $9.99 but I used a 40% off coupon, paint runs less than a dollar for 2 oz, already had the glaze and ribbon!
Oh wow, I am SO glad you posted this! We’ve been wanting to do one for our youngest and haven’t been able to find anything cute. This is fabulous and you did a great job. So cute!!!
Thanks Maree! Let me know how it turns out!
Very cute Ashley! We are going to do this for sure!
what a great idea! I’m definitely going to have to do this too 🙂 Adorable!
I remember you asking me about these…it came out way cute! I def need to do one, great tip about the glaze.
In case you ever are interested, I do baby handprints by mail.
love your blog!
so darling! I hope you have a fabulous day!! hugs!! Britt 🙂