Sometimes I just stop by the river to hear the water, the white noise. Especially when it is raining. Time stops and deepens. Good things are magnified. Disappointments disappear. Everything just is.
Sometimes I pull out my phone to capture the place, just to remember: I met myself here today. I caught up.
I didn’t realize until later that I’d caught a single raindrop right as it was hitting the water.
It takes a lot of slow to grow Eve Merriam said in her poem A Lazy Thought.
“When I am dying, reevaluating my life, I would like to remember only these moments, those in which no clocks are ticking, in which I am aware of my excruciating and increasing vulnerability, in which I am so grateful for my lot in life that I could fall prone to the ground, overwhelmed with gratitude, moment by moment by moment. My life has been saved in moments. In moments, my life has been made worthwhile.”
-Janisse Ray, Drifting into Darien
Lisa Jack says
This. This is perfection.
Mary Anne says
Ashley, I love how you keep reminding us of what’s important!! Thank you for that! One of these days, when I make my drive from Georgia to Michigan, I am going to stop by and meet you in person 🙂
Amy Haven says
Great capture, Ashely.
Amie'lie says
Hello Ashley ! voici une réflexion très sage, j’aime beaucoup votre journal ! voici mes derniers hungry bunny :
SK says
Thanks for such edifying words. Love the way you love life