….a vintage typewriter eraser! My grandmother went to secretarial school and I suppose that is why she had one on her charm bracelet.
Erin was the only one to get the correct answer! Yay Erin! I think the most popular guess was a pizza cutter/pastry brush combo. My favorite guess was the paintbrush/pizza slicer combo…too funny. Below is what an actual typewriter eraser looks like if you are curious:

Photo borrowed from here
The winner of the random drawing for the cute little silver charm set is Christy Klein! Congratulations Christy!
Erin will get the charms shown below for being super smart and figuring out the answer! A cute little chair, a sardine can, and a little cherry on a stem!
Thanks to everyone who entered and good job on the guesses! I’ll be posting another set of charms soon with another charm to identify soon!
Congrats to the winners!!!
I knew it along 😉
Whoo Hoo! Thank you! This is the first contest/giveaway I have won. Super cute charms…you may have lit a fire to start collecting something new! 🙂