Brett takes Boo every Thursday to serve food to those in need. It’s their weekly date. I love that she waits to eat after all the homeless have eaten. I love that she is learning to serve. I love the smile on her face and that she comes home to tell me all about it. I love her open heart.
Last week Brett used the word “needy” and Boo said that she would like to not use that word, that it just didn’t sound right as a description for the people they were serving. It made me think about the fact that we use labels all the time without thinking about it, how quickly we can draw an invisible line.
Living with an open heart…I think that’s what we can aim for.
I saw this quote today by Cheryl Richardson:
Look for good.
The world doesn’t need more darkness.
We’ve all become highly skilled at keeping fear alive.It’s time to become masterful at fueling the light.
True that.