An open aware heart is your camera. -Ansel Adams
My little girl watching the sun rise yesterday morning on her own:
That picture just makes my heart swell….that she even expressed interest in the sunrise. I want her to be awake to the world. To be able to entertain herself. To play, to explore, to read, to connect widely offline. She can tinker and wander and wonder. She can invent her own life.
And at her own pace. Last weekend she wanted to build a house for the squirrels. Brett let her make all the decisions.
It took all day…but the result was a house…with a swinging bridge. Practical? No…but very creative. I think I need to unlearn some things.
I want her to be full of experience. And I want her heart to be moved. Over and over.
The sunrise is a good start.
Step 1. Wonder at something.
Step 2: Invite others to wonder with you.
You should wonder at the things nobody else is wondering about. If everybody’s wondering about apples, go wonder about oranges.
-Austin Kleon, Steal Like an Artist