The last week has been a blur with lots of highlights sticking out.
Me: Where did all these gifts marked “to Boo, from Santa” come from?!
Boo: Oh, I made them.
Boo and I made a trip to the thrift store last week and she came upon the “FREE” bin. All of my gifts from her suspiciously look like what she scavenged from that pile. I love that she’s resourceful at Christmas.
We made a quick trip to Mississippi to see Brett’s mother, sister and family:
We drove to Canton, MS one night to see the lights and parade:
Boo altered her Christmas list to include a puppy after spending a few days with 4 dogs…including this polar bear of a Pyrenees named Alex.
She didn’t get the memo that Santa is not bringing puppies this year
Me: We already have a dog.
Boo: I know, but I want a nice dog.
Diesel got a spiffy new haircut for his pre-Christmas gift:
And spending Christmas back in North Carolina with my family. We haven’t had a Christmas with my brother and sister since moving to California in 2006. My sister Perry is hosting this year:
It will be my niece Leighton’s first Christmas:
Creating new traditions for this family like making cookies: (do not touch the Gingerbread Man)
My mother has an elaborate Christmas nativity play planned with the grandkids. She spent all last week planning out the costumes at the inn with us:
Have a very Merry Christmas!