Love is fairly new to me. I’m just being honest with you.
I used to think I loved, but I didn’t really truly love.
I thought love meant saying I love you.
I thought love was giving advice and “fixing” people.
I thought love meant being a good person.
I thought love was reserved for people close to me.
I thought love was about being compatible.
I thought love had to be careful.
I thought love had to be controlled and protected.
I thought love was effortless and instant, or it didn’t exist.
That was not love.
That….was a greeting card.
Some lessons in love:
When I was sick I didn’t want to accept help, but sometimes love is allowing people to help you, navigating around your pride…because of what it can do for others.
When I joined a church I found myself in a slow-moving, conflicted community. I soon wanted out, but sometimes love is adjustment.
When my family members have shown weakness I have been quick to judge, but sometimes love is having empathy.
When a friend turned on me unexpectedly I wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but sometimes love is being silent. Sometimes love is letting go.
I used to have a tendency to treat strangers better than those close to me, but love is as much about planned kindness than random kindness.
Before (and still), when I felt I was right about something I’d fight to the end, but love is compromise, not plowing over everyone in my path.
When I ask someone how they are doing sometimes I wish for a short answer, but love is being willing to share my time and listen.
When someone was having a hard time, I used to avoid them out of fear for the right words, but love is connection. Love is reaching out.
It used to be easier for me to bond with people over gossip, but sometimes love is speaking up…or just not being interested.
Sometimes just the “thought” of donating to a cause would make me feel like a good person, but love is sacrifice.
When my daughter chooses her dad over me I feel hurt, but sometimes love has to be grown and repaired.
I’m still learning, but I do know this…love leads the way:
Love is cultivated and grown.
Love is seeing and doing. Love is courage.
Love is connection. Love is sharing. Love is heart to heart.
Love is belonging. Love is encouragement.
Love is compassion. Love is empathy.
Love is character and conviction. Love is speaking up.
Love is knowing when to be silent.
Love is serving, but love is also receiving. Love is humility.
Love is investment. Love is commitment.
Love is compromise. Love is adjustment.
Love is sacrifice.
Love is forgiveness. Love is reconciliation.
Love is honesty. Love is being authentic. Love is living with an open heart.
Love is about having a sense of humor.
Love is risky. Love is messy.
Love is imperfect.
Love is freedom.
What is love to you?
P.S. Random kindness is still love:
All posts for the Year of Joy can be found here.
13 days down, only 18 to go. I love you.