Technician: So you’ve been trapped for over 20 hours.
Me: Oh no, 12 hours really…..I was asleep for 8.
Mr. LBB and Boo went on a little trip by themselves for a few days. Yesterday I watched a few movies and got some work done.
I was happy as a clam….and then….
…the power went off.
When the power goes off and Mr. LBB is home: no big deal.
When the power goes off and Mr. LBB is NOT home: flashbacks of every horror movie I’ve ever seen: The Ring, Texas Chainsaw Massacre…..
The darkness = Boogie Man.
After I overcame my initial heart failure, I felt my way around in the pitch black darkness until I found a few candles. I pretended to be brave so that Diesel wouldn’t be scared. I folded some laundry by candlelight:
A few hours later the power came back on…..about the time that the temperature in the house reached 108 degrees.
And then…..around 11pm….the carbon monoxide detector went off. And it’s hardwired into our alarm system and they send a direct signal to the fire department.
And I could hear them coming….and I’m running around trying to find shorts because I don’t want to answer the door in my underwear.
Five firefighters and the huge ladder truck:
They didn’t find any carbon monoxide.
And……they thoroughly checked the house for the Boogie Man.
I woke up at dawn on the verge of starvation….I guess I forgot to eat yesterday with all the excitement. I got up enough courage to drive Mr. LBB’s big diesel truck (scary). I figured out how to turn it on and get it into reverse….and then….the driveway gate malfunctioned. The driveway gate that we put in for security, securely trapped me in the driveway. After a few hours of not being able to figure it out…..I got out all the tools ready to dismantle the whole thing:
But Mr. LBB found someone to come and free me. And finally… about 7pm today….I made it out of my driveway:
And then I did what I always do when I have the weekend to myself….I ate dinner at Panda Express in the mall food court and browsed Barnes and Noble.
Then I accidentally ate my fortune…spitting it out, the only words I could make out were LCULATI. Sounds like a message from the Illuminati?! I think I’ll watch Pollyanna or Little House on the Prairie so I’ll be able to sleep again tonight.
You know….all kidding aside….those fireman who showed up at my door actually made me really emotional. I watched them as they walked around the house trying to figure out if I was going to be okay in my home for the night. One kept looking at me and asking questions “Do you feel okay? Light headed? Headache?” I told him I was a little shaky but that was only because my alarm had gone off 3 times….and it was really loud. But I was shaky because I was thinking about the 19 firefighters that lost their lives in AZ this past week. I live in the desert…and in the summer….it’s kind of like living on the surface of the sun. I think about those firefighters in that monster…trying to do their job and something goes horribly wrong….it’s just too haunting. I’ve been praying for those families all week. And then those Palm Desert firefighters showed up at my house…..I wanted to say something but I couldn’t come up with the right words. I wanted to tell them to be careful. I wanted to tell them thank you. It ended up coming out all jumbled: ok…well thank you so much…sorry you had to come all the way out here for nothing…phew sure is hot out…..I hope this is the most dangerous thing you have to do all night…take care you guys…..God bless. I hope they got the message.