I love that.
It’s all about making good choices every day…..and as I tell Boo: if you think you just can’t make a good choice…..at least don’t do any harm to another.
I’m always wary to iron an embroidered patch or applique on anything…..I’ve learned my lesson through burning polyester, melting embroidery….and they never stay put. An much easier way to attach girl scout patches is a simple tube of fabric glue! The trick is scratching the back of the patches with scissors to created a surface the patches can stick to (sandpaper works too). Just make sure you peel off any backing first….I learned that lesson the hard way as well!
And just to keep it real…..here’s the first pose I got:
I call it “sassitude”…..another recent girl scout project:
I created this worksheet (similar to my home movie worksheet) to accompany the post I did on printing years worth of digital photos. It keeps me on track with what photos I’ve edited, organized and printed…..so I never forget where I was and the task becomes less daunting!
You can see the full tutorial by clicking the image below!
For more on organizing and preserving family memories click the image below: