Is there anyone that loves memorization? Yeah, not me. As part of Boo’s weekly homework she has to memorize a bible verse and a short poem….every week. That’s a lot of memorization so I’ve had to come up with some creative ways to make it easy and fun.
Our favorite? the shower method. I write what she has to memorize on cards and tape them on the outside of the shower door at the beginning of the week. She reads it when she’s taking a bath. It becomes a game because I take away a word or two at a time and she has to see if she can fill in what’s missing. By the time all the words are gone at the end of the week she knows it backwards and forwards. If she ever forgets a word she can usually visualize the card and remember it.
Other ways we memorize things:
iPad/iPhone Recording:
Boo had to learn all 50 states and capitals earlier this year using the Animaniacs song. We recorded the song in 4 parts onto my iphone and the iPad and played it every single night. Just by listening to it over and over….we all learned it. I finally learned all the capitals…..after 35 years. We also carried around these fun flashcards by Pen and Paint for down time in restaurants and waiting rooms:
Word Scramble: [Read more…]