I love living in the desert this time of year. It’s about 70 degrees out today….and sunny and green and perfect. I went for a walk first thing and did my 20-minute free daily yoga app. It’s been over 4 months since I did any kind of exercise….I can’t even touch my toes and I get exhausted after a 20 minute walk….but I’m on a mission.
I didn’t feel that great all day…..but I never like just laying around so I pulled up a chair to a table and did a few felting projects this morning. My mind wants me to do all this stuff but my body can’t keep up. I definitely like to test it though. Never in my whole life have I had to make choices about what I need to put on the back burner and what is priority…..I’ve always been the “well, I’ll just do it ALL” kind of person with unlimited energy. And all the sudden that energy isn’t there when I want it because of this whole chemo thing. I can completely understand why people make the decision to stop chemo treatment if there were a question around whether it was working or not.
I have this crazy appetite all the sudden for all things hearty: chicken pot pie, bean soup, mashed potatoes etc. I might just end up gaining weight through chemotherapy! My weight got down to about 135 in November…..but it’s been slowly climbing….I haven’t gotten over 140 though yet. Our family friends brought over some soup the other night made with white beans and kale….and last night I tried to recreate it adding in some ingredients of my own. I’ve already eaten about 6 bowls of it today……I’ll have to try to recreate my own version again so I can share the recipe!
My friend Staci’s mother Elaine who had a stroke a few weeks ago took 80 steps last night. That is HUGE. I’m so proud of her. She’s so determined and positive…..and she and her family have always been an example of how to live life to the fullest for me. They say I’m an inspiration for them….but they’ve always been an inspiration for me. Anytime we’ve ever spent with them was completely focused on enjoying time with friends and family….that there’s never an excuse good enough not to. I wear Elaine’s pink bracelet ETS (her initials & Exceptional Tough Strong) everyday next to my Choose Joy bracelet:
Boo woke up early this morning…..excited to wear her new Valentine’s Day dress:
I ran out at the last minute last night to Rite Aid to buy Valentine’s for her class….somehow they just slipped my mind and I thought I still had a few more days! Boo wanted to hand write each and everyone. After 15 Valentine’s were finished we heard “….I’m SO tired…I JUST want to go to bed.” Wow. That never happens. Lisa’s hubby Nick took the girls to the desert zoo yesterday so I think she was overly exhausted. I love this pic….it looks like the giraffe is posing for the camera: