We made it to church 2 weeks in a row. I was determined to go today to pray especially for my friend Staci and her mother Elaine and their family. Elaine collapsed this past weekend from a stroke and while they were doing scans they found a lesion on her lung and several on her lymph nodes that they believe to be cancerous.
The night my surgery went sideways, Ben showed up almost immediately at the hospital, no hesitation. Staci follows up almost every day on my progress. Elaine has brought over my favorite drinks, antioxidant soup, and “smooth move” tea….anything she could do to make my day easier the last few weeks. Elaine’s husband Fred showed up on my doorstep to help contact any cancer center I wanted to get in to. Staci and her husband Ben were the first ones to make the Choose Joy bracelets for us……they started the whole thing. They would never want me to give credit though. Well, guess what Ben and Staci: you are now responsible for over 10,000 Choose Joy bracelets floating around to date…and 4,000 more that have yet to be shipped out. Yesterday, Elaine told Staci to make sure I knew that she was wearing her Choose Joy bracelet in the hospital. I couldn’t help but cry. Today Elaine is MY inspiration.
Today’s sermon at church was on Psalm 46: God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Don’t judge….but I’m a reality TV junkie…..and all I could think about in church during the sermon was last week’s Jersey Shore episode where Vinny gets a new tattoo:
His roommates have no idea what the meaning is: Let Go, Let God…..huh, what? I know, I know….I’m using Jersey Shore to make a point…..but the tattoo is exactly what Psalm 46 says: Be still, and know that I am God. Be still…..in other words, “let go” and let God handle it. I learn more and more everyday that most things are out of my control….and I have to let God fill in: whether it’s healing, faith, guidance, and especially acceptance. So how do I choose joy in situations where most people would think there isn’t an ounce of joy to be found? I just let go……and have faith. It doesn’t mean that I don’t cry, or that I’m not sad, or disappointed when things happen…..but I can choose not to be bitter or angry. There’s a huge difference. It’s hard to put into words…..so I hope that makes sense.
After church we went to lunch at our favorite lunch place and I watched as Boo inched precariously closer and closer to falling into the fountain. She was on a mission to save a “rock” which I swore was either going to turn out to be dog poop or tree bark….but it did actually turn out to be a rock. A floating pumice rock.
Watching Armageddon this afternoon….Brett says that I remind him of Steve Buscemi. Yes, the goofy, creepy guy. I hope it’s just the sarcastic humor