Today we are thrilled to have Julie of Joy’s Hope participating in Round II of WWYM! Julie is super crafty, hilarious, incredibly generous, loves the color turquoise (just check out her kitchen – amazing!) and always full of JOY. She has some of the best recipes, and we especially love her Insta-Friday posts! What we love most about Julie is her huge heart! Her blog will make you laugh, cry, and feel inspired. Head on over to Joy’s Hope, we know you will be hooked. First, lets see what Julie made!
Please welcome Julie of Joy’s Hope!
When you get asked to participate in something so fun as What would YOU make? Hosted by Lil Blue Boo, you don’t say no.
You just don’t.
You get a little scared. A little intimidated. Then you dig through your brain to come up with a project worthy of the gorgeous fabric that landed on your doorstep.
I hope that this little project quailfies. It sure makes me happy, but most importantly, it makes my girlies happy.
We are on the go a lot.
A lot a lot a lot.
The girls color a lot.
A lot a lot a lot.
We have been using cookie sheets as little lap desks in the car forever. Useful? Yes. Cute? Not so much. Plus the pens and crayons fly off and fall under the seats. All the time. If I have to mediate another THE PINK MARKER FELL BETWEEN THE SEATS MOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!! meltdown, I just might have a meltdown of my own.