Good morning! I’m still in bed…recuperating from the Cisplatinum chemo from yesterday. I double up on nausea meds….Zofran and I swear by the Compazine suppositories…..those help me sleep. I’ll probably be here a few days but I’ve got a few good movies to watch. Lisa is bringing me some cake donuts this morning…..I think it’s the only thing I’ll be able to get down right now…..along with my diluted G2 grape Gatorade. Look at my cute, soft jammies from my friend Vicki. I can’t complain about anything right now: comfy bed, movies, donuts and jammies.
Yesterday was a long day but I get to meet some really great people. First of all, everyone at the doctor’s office had seen me on the news. I was a little embarrassed. Here’s the awesome part: I had someone ask for my autograph yesterday. A nice man who accompanies his friend for chemo treatment brought in my news article and asked me to sign it. First he stopped at my chair and asked if I was “Ashley, Lil Blue Boo”. It set off a chain reaction in the infusion center. One man across the room then asked the nurse if I was a movie star. She knows I’m not, but she told him she’d find out haha….and walked across the room to ask me. I told her I wished…..I wished that I was in Lifetime Movies. I watch so many of them I could probably jump right into any story line just fine!
I took about a 2 hours nap in chemo yesterday. I’d never been able to sleep before in there! It was kind of nice. Mr LBB has his hands full. He’s so busy with work and Boo….and then he like to accompany me to see Dr. L when we meet and then he picks up Boo and picks me up from chemo after that. And then he takes over the role of Mom and Dad all night, all morning…..he gets to take her to 2 birthday parties……one tonight and one tomorrow. But he has a great attitude about it all…..just looks a little weary at times.
Our drive home is only about 5 miles….so pretty at night in the desert:
Some yucky news this morning… tumor markers went back up this week despite the 2 rounds of Cisplatin. I asked Dr. L why I was so tired lately and he and Mr. LBB started laughing “you have no idea what this stuff is doing to your body.” I guess I just think things won’t affect me sometimes. Dr. L said that years ago before they had some of the drugs to counteract the side effects, they would hospitalize patients for about 8 months who were on Cisplatinum…..mainly for testicular cancer…..and it WAS like the movie Dying Young. I’m so thankful for medical advances and that I can do my treatment outpatient and just a few days are bad at at time. I did notice ridges in my fingernails…..I never had those before. They are like tree rings…..each one marking a new round of treatment.
I’ll be resting all day and doing my “detox” regime tonight: detox bath, enemas, skin brushing, juicing. Goodbye toxins. Lisa is working on the launch of the Spring line today….so excited for that. I haven’t had to do a thing really except for design work. Today will be a crazy day. She rocks. She sent me a photo from the donut shop this morning…….she should be home any moment with goodies. Woot!
Make sure to check out Stephanie Corfee’s artwork for the Team Ashley auction starting next week! It’s amazing!