I’m working on a fairy forest mural for a client family right now that includes a very large butterfly chalkboard. It is going to be an awesome mural on five walls for the girls’ room so stay tuned for photos!

To make the large stencil/template:
I’m working on a fairy forest mural for a client family right now that includes a very large butterfly chalkboard. It is going to be an awesome mural on five walls for the girls’ room so stay tuned for photos!
To make the large stencil/template:
I love making little, itty, bitty stamps from wine corks. Not surprisingly, it seems the better the wine the better the cork. So each stamp probably ends up costing me about $20 to make. All you need is a wine cork, a pen and an exacto knife. To make a stamp pad, I use an old wash cloth and pour a little acrylic paint on a 1″ x 1″ area…the wash cloth soaks up the paint just enough so you can dab your new cork stamp on it without saturating it with paint. Draw your design on the top of the cork and carve it out carefully using the knife. Do a couple test stamps to see if you need to keep carving!