I can’t believe Christmas has already come and gone! It flew by!
We spent a few days at my in-laws house here in town starting last Sunday so everyone would be together at the same time:
I wonder what Boo is whispering to my niece “Coco” in this photo:
Love this photo of my nephew Jordan:
The adults played the annual Christmas stocking game where you have to guess who bought your stocking stuffers:
I made outfits for all the wee ones. We actually got them all in one photo looking at the camera!
All the cousins (minus 2 who are in Seattle) for one photo:
My mom is here for a few weeks and Boo is always on cloud 9. She is so patient and will play Barbies and “library” with Boo for hours:
Boo was so excited that her two cousins Duncan and Cameron were staying at our house for Christmas. We played Xbox sports at night:
The day before Christmas Boo got her nails done:
And she helped me make cupcakes for Jesus’ birthday: