I painted this portrait of Frida Kahlo a few years ago and finally got around to uploading the Timelapse.
In this video I go through what I did step by step and what paint colors I used! Prints of Frida can be found in my Etsy shop here.
24×30 Canvas
Derwent Inktense Blocks
Catalyst Silicon Paint Wedge 1
Catalyst Silicon Paint Wedge 2
1500 Color Recipes
Crayola Chalk
Willow Charcoal
Master Clear Supreme Varnish
JoSonja Brilliant Green
Lukas Pthalo Green
Liquitex Gesso White
Lukas Lemon Yellow
Hookers Green
Golden Fluid Acrylic Sap Green
Golden Fluid Acrylic Yellow Ochre
Golden Heavy Body Fluorescent Pink
Golden Heavy Body Titanium White
Golden Fluid Acrylic Magenta
Golden Fluid Acrylic White
Golden Heavy Body Raw Sienna
Golden Heavy Body Cadmium Red Light
Golden Heavy Body Burnt Sienna
Liquitex Cerulean Blue
Golden Heavy Body Viridian Green
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