…..you too could own your own lizard. This is Ferdinand….Fred, for short. That’s what Boo wanted to call her new lizard….he’s named after her great grandpa and a friend of the family. She rescued him from the pool……so actually we got him for free….but that’s not the end of the story:
The first night we made a trip to the petstore and bought a few crickets for Fred. He made it until the next morning……
Me: Why don’t we let Fred go today……think about how much his family misses him.
Boo: Can we keep him one more day, please??! He can tell his parents he was at a 2-day slumber party.
Me: Fred is a gecko…he doesn’t slumber with 5-year-old “Boo’s”……his story back to his parents is going to be that you are Darla from Finding Nemo…..
I thought we were keeping him for ONE day…..but every time we’ve tried to set him loose Boo becomes distraught…..so yesterday we had to make another trip to the pet store.
Here’s what I learned about Fred: [Read more…]