Finding a beautiful spot of light to photograph can take a good shot and make it a great one all by itself.
During the summer months, a wonderful place to find beautiful light is in the open shade.
Finding a beautiful spot of light to photograph can take a good shot and make it a great one all by itself.
During the summer months, a wonderful place to find beautiful light is in the open shade.
My hair is long enough to use product in now! I get so many comments about how much darker the color is now…, it’s the same color as before….it’s just not long enough to add highlights to yet.
I haven’t done a Cancer Chronicles post in a long time….because there hasn’t been much to tell. I wrote recently about the chemotherapy putting me into menopause and how cruddy it made me feel…..and that made me decide to go on a low dose estrogen patch. Well, my mom freaked out and called her friend who specializes in hormones and the next thing I knew I had an appointment with her. So, I’ve been on progesterone cream for about 2 weeks. It seems to be helping with all the symptoms. The great thing is….this woman has the most amazing skin… I asked her to prescribe me whatever she was using on her skin too. Not sure what’s in it….but it’s making my skin look ah-mazing. [Read more…]