Tonight Mr. LBB and I took Boo to a movie……for the first time. No, our kid isn’t deprived….she’s been to the movies a gazillion times….just with her grandparents. I would just rather watch movies at home. 1. it’s inexpensive and 2. there’s a pause button (I missed the Twilight engagement scene in the movie theater because I had to go to the bathroom!)
We saw Brave. Halfway through:
Boo: I can’t fall asleep Mommy.
Me: Maybe because we’re in a movie theater?
It was a little scary in parts for a young kid I think. We covered Boo’s eyes a few times. But I loved the message…..and was totally entertained.
Now I can’t stop talking in an Scottish accent: I shall tell you of William Wallace…
….and just found a piece of popcorn in my bra.