Can you guess the movie?
“He was the type of fellow I can’t stand. I’m five foot ten in my stocking feet, and when I am with little men I stoop over a bit and slouch my hips, one up and one down, so that I’ll look shorter, and I feel gawky and morbid as somebody in a side show.” – Sylvia Plath in Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
The page below was just a paint palette I was trying to figure out. Why not put it in your journal, right?
For a while I was experimenting with mailing labels. I printed out a picture of Marilyn Monroe and stuck the labels onto some image transfers I botched (or as I have called them since Kindergarten art class: a “happy mistakes”). Any-hoo, I love how the labels break up the picture.
I worked on this page on a flight back in my investment banking days. Great quote. I always use it when a friend is down on themselves for doing something stupid. Medium: crayons and Sharpie markers.
I used to get my car serviced at this great auto shop in NC. The guys were so honest and could fix anything. They had these great big white birds. The photos were taken with my izone Polaroid camera and I borrowed the receptionist’s stapler to attach them to the page.