If you haven’t visited the blog What My Kids’ Art Says (and submitted your kid’s artwork too) you are missing out! I submitted another piece of artwork by my 2-year-old daughter Sienna to the site and Dan Consiglio’s interpretation is hilarious yet again. I roll on the floor laughing at the labels he gives his posts: Trickle Down BS, Silence of the Lambs, People Shaped Like Yellow Green Beans, Crap……
Here is the artwork. It was Sienna’s card to her daddy on Father’s Day. Prepare to be transfixed by the combination of beauty and morbid “Silence of the Lambs” references.

Excerpt from the review: “Apparently, her mood has shifted to match the arrival of the blistering summer heat. S’s latest piece — while staying true to the Southwestern color palette – is a 180-degree about face.”
You can find the previous masterpiece created by my daughter Sienna and the interpretation here. Enjoy!