I used my new little robot to make a set of pajamas for my nephew who turns 3 this weekend. The robot is a freezer paper stencil onto a white t-shirt and I made the pajama pants from some green robot print fabric.

I printed the robot directly onto freezer paper, cut out the image and used fabric paint (Jacquard is of course my favorite) to fill in the image. (Read this tutorial for more info on freezer paper stenciling, and fabric paint.) The greens don’t match exactly….but I didn’t have the right blue paint to mix with the yellow!

I’m definitely going to use him again soon! Here is my template if you want to make your own. Click to download the PDF:
Copyright © 2009 by Ashley Hackshaw. All rights reserved. This robot template is for personal and home use only. Please email me at ashley (at) lilblueboo.com for more information. Thank you for respecting my copyright!
If you are making more than one print try this easy contact paper screen printing tutorial!