It only takes 66 days to form a new habit, so summer is the perfect time to be forming good learning routines. A great resource for summer learning ideas, tips and tricks is Mom Minded, a new blog from Sylvan Learning. As a part of their 66 Days of Summer Learning I am sharing my ideas on how to keep the summer educational but still fun.
Remember Boo’s summer learning book last summer? I’ve been continuing it this year to keep her motivated throughout the summer. I made a daily checklist and instead of nagging her to do all of her chores I just ask her to make sure she checks off her boxes:
I tried to think of a goal for the summer that would help her in school. She goes to a Christian school so learning the books of the bible seemed perfect. I broke it down so she could learn about 5 or 6 books a week:
But she wanted more so she could just learn them a little faster so I ended up putting them all up. I repeat them in a fun way and she pretty much picks it up by hearing:
I have different worksheet activity books that I tear pages out of a week in advance so that she has 2 or 3 worksheets each day of review from Kindergarten. I’ve found some great books at the 99 cent store and Costco. Boo’s teacher also gave me some outdated ones. Ask your friends too who have older kids….they might have books that have half the pages unfinished. I hand all mine down to younger children because we never finish every single book.
Each set of worksheets has a cover page by day:
All the worksheets are sorted a week in advance so she can work ahead if she wants (Boo loves worksheets):
Each week I add something random that we can work on together….like learning table manners and how to set a table properly.