We leave in a few days! I’m so excited I can barely stand it. I’m almost ready to leave…..just checking stuff off my list.
I finished “Boo’s” flower girl dress today. I used Simplicity Pattern 4647….but seriously, who writes these things. Once I trashed the instructions and just tried to figure it out on my own…..it got a lot easier. Why do these patterns OVER-explain how to sew a piece of fabric together and then don’t show any detail for a zipper or slip? Who decided that was a good idea? I also can think of a million ways they could have made the pattern easier! No wonder so many people think sewing is hard……
Here she is after her bath….checking her reflection out. She said “I’m like Ariel!”….I think that means she thinks she’s like a princess. I was thinking of adding a flower or bow to the back….but her hair will be down so you probably won’t even see it.

I had to add some “help” into MY dress: a little “help” in the chest so I’d fill it out!

I started to pack…..which included picking out some of Mr. Lil Blue Boo’s ties to coordinate with our dresses.

I’m totally allowed to be jealous of my sister’s engagement photos. I didn’t even HAVE an engagement photo. Ok….so I’m not that into being photographed…..but still. Ash Little just posted these new photos (click to see the rest) and I had to give him some link love. He is photographing the wedding too……can’t wait for those…..only one week left! My sister made almost EVERYTHING for the wedding so I can’t wait to share that as well (she’s uber-creative). Don’t you think Mr. Lil Blue Boo and I should renew our vows on our 10th anniversary so Ash Little can redo our photos?!

Photo from Ash Little Photography
I also did some “loofah-ing” and applying of self tanner today! I’m so excited to not be prego in this wedding! Here I was 2 years ago in my brother Swen’s wedding. The dresses were an orange/ rust color….very pretty….but I felt like a HUGE pumpkin since I was about 7 months pregnant and swollen to the max!

I think my husband and my sister’s fiance could almost be brothers! They look a lot alike. It is funny because that is sort of how Perry and Justin met. We both were down at the LPGA Merchandise show a few years ago. Justin was a vendor and Perry was there modeling for Lilly Pulitzer (they were one of her sponsors). I was just there hanging out. We randomly met Justin one night hanging out with some friends and I told Perry “he’s SO cute! You have to get his number!” We tracked him down the next day at the show and the rest is history! They’ve been together ever since! We are all so excited for him to be part of the family….and a little worried that he’ll have to put up with all of us….although he’s done pretty well so far. Sienna is the MOST excited….she calls him “MY uncle Justin.”