……equals crazy anxiety. Sienna had her first dentist appointment this morning…..then I thought it would be “fun” to go browse fabrics at Monica’s Quilt and Bead since we were already in that part of town. I got some cute fabrics but I had no clue what I had bought until I got home since I was ALL over the store grabbing random bolts as I chased Sienna down.

My favorite luxury? Browsing a fabric store for hours by myself. But this trip I just wanted to get out of there before Sienna scattered tiny “seed” beads everywhere…she kept running over to the bead side and grabbing the little bead tubes. The ladies were really nice and kept trying to engage Sienna in conversation….and my lovely 2-year-old would yell “NO” and run the other direction. I’m pooped now.
My favorite purchase of the day? This cute fabric by Lecien: Caramel Town – Happy Chihuahuas. Wouldn’t this make a cute child’s apron?

I have a great idea: fabric and craft stores should have a “coat-check” for children! I’d pay 5 bucks for that!